Crispr gene editing ready for testing in humans

Crispr (clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats) is a family of DNA sequences in bacterias which contain snippets of DNA from viruses that have attacked to the bacterium. These fragments are used by the bacteria to detect and erase new DNA from any new attack of similar virus and then to protect itself more efficiently. These sequences have a key role in the bacterial defense systems and conform the technology base of the technique know as CRISPR/Cas9, which modified genes inside the organs with a high efficiency and specifically. This Crispr gene editing is ready for testing in humans. This technique was first described by the Professor Francisco Mojica at the Alicante University (Spain) in the early 90’s and described later these CRISPR system as an important part of the immune systems of these microorganisms.

Thus, the use of a technique that allows the specific modifications of genes in living beings, was the dream of doctors all around the world to introduce the medicine in a new era where the genetic illness could be treated. Now, two biotech companies say they plan to start testing the technology in humans as early as this year.

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